Dual Core Android Phones


The cell phone has become an integral part of everyone’s daily life. The Dual Core Android Phones that have recently been introduced are some of the most innovative and superb phones on the market.

Just what does dual core mean? Every phone has as its heart a processor. This is what does all the work of the phone. Remember, a smart phone is actually a small computer. All Dual Core Android Phones have a component with two processors or “cores.” Using a dual core processor greatly enhances the speed of the phone, and therefore the overall performance.

Most Dual Core Android Phones run on the later versions of the Android operating system. This operating system was developed originally by Google. Based on Linux, a major advantage of Android is the fact that there are currently over 300,000 applications or apps as they are commonly called, available for it. These apps can be downloaded from either third-party sites, or the Android-Market, which is run by Google. Many of these apps are highly specific, while many are either free or very low cost.

Besides the obvious use as a cell phone, what are some of the other tasks that dual core Android Phones can do? Obviously there are the standard functions such as address book and calendar. However, these phones can do so much more. Virtually all of these phones have built in still and video cameras . The quality will rival that found on many expensive standalone cameras. Full motion video playback is generally standard. Services such as Netflix can be accessed anywhere to watch movies.

Some of the Dual core Android Phones have built in physical keyboards for texting, while some use a keyboard in the touch screen. Besides texting, another great feature is the ability to video chat with friends and family.

Dual Core Android Phones almost always have built in GPS. This allows the user to get directions virtually anytime, and because they are connected to the Internet, not only can you get directions to the restaurant, but you can also check out their menu before you go.

Which of the numerous dual core Android Phones currently on the market is right for you? There is no easy answer. All of the major carriers, including Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile, feature these incredible phones. They are manufactured by Motorola, Samsung, HTC, LG, and others. Prices and features vary, so check them all out before making a final decision.

For most consumers, purchasing a cell phone also means purchasing a cell phone plan. Because most plans are generally two years in length, it makes sense to really do your homework before signing on the dotted line. Once you do, spend a little time studying the instruction manuals that comes with the Dual Core Android Phones to really fully understand and enjoy them.

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